How To Find Your Way in Minced Forest

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Thursday, 9 April 2020

Table of Contents

Two hundred and ninety one:  A Tiny Ghost Story 
Two hundred and ninety two: Keep Breathing
Two hundred and ninety three: Game of Cats
Two hundred and ninety four: Aldecat and Adelcat
Two hundred and ninety five: TheLord of Cages
Two hundred and ninety six: Cloak and no dagger
Two hundred and ninety seven: Remember Every Single Thing
Two hundred and ninety eight: Late, but Never  too Late

To get to a chapter, write the number of the chapter or its title in the search this blog space above. Enjoy!

A List of Characters that  appear in one or more of these tales or should have shown up in them:

Abstracta Crackmirror (one of Alpin’s suitresses)

Abundant Cestodes (nicknamed Bunny, is a student at the Devil’s School in Salamanca who represents the sin of gluttony)

Acerodon (Beaurenard Flynn sometimes shifts into a fay golden-crowned flying fox bat)

Adamina (Adamina is the free market fairy)

Adam Smith (the philosopher)

Adar-Malik (one of the pages of the Magi)

Adelcat (one of two winged lions, the other being Aldecat, who guard the gate of the house of Divina and AEternus)

Adelphi (the brothers of Titania and those of Oberon are known collectively as The Adelphi and also more despectively as The Pheres Lamioi or The Cucanian Beasts)

AEternus Virbonus (Arley’s maternal grandfather)

Agapeton (Mabel’s pet labrador retriever)

Aislene (The Ex Demon Bride, now Mrs. Dullahan)

Aldecat (one of two winged lions, the other being Adelcat, that guard the gate of the house of Divina and AEternus in Apple Island)

Aliens (The False Aliens are two members of the Jocose Gang who tried to fool Betabel pretending to be messengers of doom from another world and then figured that they could benefit from this hoax)

Alonso (Don Alonso Quijano, Don Quijote)

Alpin (The Unchangedling)

Alondra (Titania’s cousin, one of the Seven Fairies)

Alys Possun (a famous fay interior decorator)

Amon the Mummy (an Egyptian priest, also known as Momius,  resurrected by Thymian who is an excellent player of the game of chess)

Amoretti Waiters, The (amorettos who were singing waiters first at The Poultice, then at Salty’s casino and finally at Fiona’s spa, where they also sing Bollywood hits for the clients of Santichu´s ashram)

Anatolia Mnemosinite, Mrs. Momo (Momo San’s wife, sister of Belvedere Mnemosinite, the Memorion, and aunt of Mabel, she is the mnemosinite of the Eastern department)

Angelino (an amoretto who is one of the Amoretti Waiters, he is their spokesman and union delegate)

Angelmouse Belfry Grey, (nicknamed Batty, one of Alpin’s suitresses, an old friend of Mrs. Dullahan and the mother of Angelmouse Belfry Grigio)

Annie (a responsible mortal schoolgirl)

Anselm (Crispin’s brother)

Apep (Egyptian god of chaos)

Aphoticus the Fatal Frenchman (one of the skeleton waiters in The Jealous Merrow’s Pub, he is considered a jonah by everyone except Lira Anadyomene)

Apolinaris (a devil who pretends to be a wizard named Apolinaris and has a workshop in one of the obscurer Philippine Islands where he manufactures and sells automatons, some innocuous and others lethal robot soldiers) 

Apple Queen, The (see Nine Queens)

Arabella (Bella is one of the Blue Twins)

Arcane (Branna’s pet dog, who can pass for a wolf when he pleases)

Ariel (Ari is the  ghost of a Jewish lad who is a friend of Arley’s and who taught  him Hebrew)

Arley FitzTitania and FitzOberon (the narrator, a fairy lad also known as Mr. Two Shadows and The Knight of Light and Shadows)

Arnaud (chef who specializes in French cuisine)

Artaban  ( fourth of the biblical Wise Men, Kings or Magi, who followed a star to Bethelehem, Artaban, a physician, stopped on his way to cure people who were ill and arrived too late)

Artemius (King of the Minced Forest, a Roman ghost who was once imprisoned in a galley)

Arthur (King Arthur Pendragon)

Asclepius (god of medicine)

Association of Wild and Domestic Donkeys (exactly that, shocked by Epon’s behaviour, they make it clear that he is not one of them)

Atshebies, The  (also known as The Kat Kids,  The Neferkittens and The Nefermeows, are the sixtuplets of Attor and Cathsheba, who can turn into cats when they please and are called Neferhari, Neferclari, Neferedi, Nefernedi, Neferviki and Neferniki)

Attor (nicknamed Atty, Arley’s brother, a fumitory sprite, married to Cathsheba and father of the Neferkittens is in every sense a fairytale prince)

Augustus  Caesar (the Roman emperor)

Aureabel Parry (Mrs. Parry is the doyenne of Fay society and mother of the apothecary Henbeddestyr)

Aureana Golddigger (one of Alpin’s four suitresses)

Aveline (security guard of the Purple Fountain, companion of Olive)

Axiom (one of a pack of magic mules from the stables of Titania)

Azuline (a little blue lizard from Capri that becomes one of the Richearths' children.)

Badseeds (Feeseepkee is called The Badseeds because when he ate fruit and spat its seeds, these turned into trees that produced evil little imps, but the term badseeds is also applied to  Elucubrius Truism and Bunglemore Bagpiper, because they are the good for nothing offpsring of important fairy families,  and this name can also be applied to certain members of the Jocose Gang, such as Ruinothers and Thrivemeself)

Balthazar (King Balthazar, one of the biblical Magi or Three Wise Men, father of Prester John)

Barnaby (Mylor is the real name of AEternus’ ferociously loyal butler, whom he calls Barnaby the Bright)

Barrinthus (cranky bargeman of Apple Island)

Basiliska Chookfeather (a  rather dishonest fairy who worked as guardian of magic treasures and was once the intended of Curmudgeon Finn)

Batavian Bodyguards, The (Once Caligula’s bodyguards, now ghosts who are friends of Ula and Wolfie)

Batish Afsoon (the genie of Aladdin’s magic lamp)

Batty Belfry (see Angelmouse Belfry Grey)

Beacon (one of Brightfire and Pearl’s sons, a Brightfire Kid)

Beaurenard Leonado Flynn (also called Tawny by the inhabitants of Minced Forest, is a very gifted fox fairy who is in love with Heather, has the gift of ubiquity, can shift into may different shapes and can project imaginary beings that appear  totally real to others)

Befana (a Wise Woman who tried to follow the star of Bethlehem but who was kept from getting there and who now is the spirit that distributes gifts to the good children of Italy)

Beladom (a red unicorn that lives in the kingdom of Prester John)

Belcyan (a sea-blue lion that dwells in the kingdom of Prester John)

Bella (Arabella, Charlie Treadfaster´s girlfriend, is one of the Blue Twins, daughters of Mabel and Gentlerain and granddaughters of the Memorion and of Cybela who brought them up and taught them the matchmaking trade)

Belle (Belinda, girlfriend of Nicholas Sweetquill, is one of the Blue Twins, daughters of Mabel and Gentlerain and granddaughters of the Memorion and of Cybela the Matchmaker,  who brought them up and taught them the matchmaking trade)

Belvedere the Mnemosinite (Mabel’s father is also known as The Memorion, The Seer  and The Eye)

Belyarok (a green bear that dwells in the Land of Prester John)

Benedictus Mol (ghost of a Swiss treasure hunter)

Bent Couple (Procopius and Deambula are very ancient and very rural fairies related to Betabel)

Bent Couple Farm Animals (a donkey, a cow, three mice, two goats, two cats, two dogs and a hen that live in the Bent Hill Farm)

Bernardus (a Leafy who is Vinny’s cousin)

Bertram  (a prince of the Upper North who is Oberon’s brother and Gentlerain’s half-brother)

Betabel (a shepherdess who thinks she sees visions, sister of Sweet Cicely, and who ends up marrying Alpin because he thinks she looks a little like Heather)

Binky, Mr. Mungo John  (once named prime and only minister of Fairyland because Oberon decided to humor him, Mr. Binky tried to turn the fairies into mortals because he couldn’t turn the mortals into fairies,  and, despite having gotten on everyone’s nerves, ended up sleeping in a glass coffin in the garden of Heather’s ideal home by accident, and not because someone had decided to end im)

Birthday Cake Leprechaun (a cake decoration stolen by Knick-knack Nimbus when he was a very petty thief)

Bitsy (the ghost of a Shyboy pet)

Black Cats, The (these members of a  society of cool black cats always show up early when Michael gives his Halloween Party and help decorate the site and give atmosphere to the feast under the supervisión of their queen, the cat fairy Cathsheba)

Blake, Mr. William (the magical poet himself)

Bluebell Fairies (a clan of blue flower fairies who almost all have names that start or end in “bell”)

Blue Lizard of Capri (see Azuline)

Blue Mountain Dwarfs (great friends of Gentlerain, these dwarfs are miners that work and live in Blue Mountain)

Blue Twins, The (Belle and Bella, or Belinda and Arabella, who are known as the Bluebell Twins,  work with their grandmother, the matchmaker Cybela, are Gentlerain and Mabel’s daughters, granddaughters of the Memorion, cousins of Camelia and the Peach Boy Five and Nicholas Sweetquill and Charlie Treadfaster’s  girlfriends)

Bob (a young and pugnacious Leafy, Tob’s twin)

Botolph (The Poisoner in the Garden, the garden gnome that was at odds with AEternus for centuries and destroyed the peace of the great man’s family)

Botolpha (Tolphie, Mathilde and Wildgale’s elder daughter)

Bottom (Nick, a weaver, a character from A Midsummer Night’s Dream who by sheer insistence turned into Fairyland´s best actor and is head of the theatrical group The Merry Thespians of Athens and their Delicate Ladies)

Branna (Fiona’s shy twin sister, a mathematician who marries Richearth)

Brightfire (Calidus Rufus  Brightfire, one of Titania’s brothers, is married to Pearl and is father of the Brightfire Kids)

Brightfire Kids, The  (Pearl and Calidus R. Brightfire are the parents of Ember, Noon, Lambert, Dagobert, Iggy, Beacon and Candle, the mischievous Brightfire Kids who can turn into will-o-the wisps when they choose and are therefore also known as the Laughing Lights of Dragon Holt because they tease those who wander into this part of Minced Forest)

Bronze Bronzethorn (a Thorn faun, cousin of the Thorn brothers Mons, Pons and Fons, husband of Cidra and father of Eleutherium)

Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama himself appears to Santichu Semeurtzi and encourages him to live a better life)

Bulfinch Book, The  (The Fat Little Green Blue-Winged Book,  a treasured magic treasure, a flying copy of Bulfinch’s Mythology that can talk, and not just about mythology)

Bulls of Guisando (stone bulls from the Iron Age)

Bumpety Bump (this is the nickname Salty Boogerbeard gives Tropez, the young Bump who is manager of his casino)

Bumps (the Bumps or Bumpers are a tribe of fools that live in almost total darkness in Bumps Island, being its original inhabitants and having quarreled with the Sun)

Bunglemore (one of Richearth’s kidnappers, the other being Elucubrius Truism, and whose father is the very wealthy Tam Bagpiper)

Bunny (Abundant Cestodes, nicknamed Bunny by his fellow students at the Devil’s school of magic in Salamanca because he eats so many buns. He represents the sin of gluttony.)

Caesar Borgia (the ghost of “The Prince”)

Calchas (Greek seer who counselled the Greeks during the Trojan war)

Calullah (nickname of CaléndulaTitania’s cousin, one of the seven fairies)

Camellia (Tsubaki, the Profoundly Pink Camelia who blushes purple when kissed by the Moon God, is  the sister of the Pearch Boy Five, daughter of Momo San and the Eastern Lady)

Candle (Candle Brightfire, daughter of Brightfire and Pearl, the most determined of the Brightfire Kids, clearly has a mind of her own)

Canute the Entangler  (the troll who is  King of Blackwood Bog, father of the Lady Falguniben)

Caralampius (Don Caralampio is a  monk who helps the Fay who do The Way and gives Arley a relic of St. Caralampius that helps feed Alpin during this trip)

Carl Gustav Jung (Doctor Jung himself)

Casiano (Don Casiano is the doorkeeper of a phantom  monastery in Galicia)

Casimir (a wizard who is Michael’s ophthalmologist)

Caspar (King Caspar, one of the Magi or Three Wise Men)

Catgliostro (Evenfall’s occultist lavender and green striped cat)

Cathsheba (Shebie or Cathy is queen of the black cats and is also Attor´s wife and mother of the Atshebies)

Cato (a black cat that belongs to Nauta and is one of the Gorgonwell cats)

Catullus (an orange marmalade cat that belongs to Nauta and  is one of the Gorgonwell Cats)

Cause (one of a pack of magic mules)

Cebollo (temerarious owner of the Big Onion Fairy Inn, friend of Finisterre Fishfin)

Celestial (The Lady Celestial, Arley’s paternal grandmother, Lady Grandma’am, younger but dominant twin of Divina)

Celtic Queen of Medeiros,  (called by the Romans Lupa, The She Wolf, this queen has a magnificent throne of stone that overlooks the Valley of Medeiros)

Cerberus (the three-headed, snake maned and tailed dog that guards the gate to Hades)

Cespuglio Four Moons  (one of Arley’s brothers, Ces mostly spends his time lurking in bushes  but lives in Titania and Oberon´s main greenhouse)

Chanceupon Fairies (also known as Encountering Fairies, this type of fairy lives in the mortal world and likes to judge and subsequently reward or punish whoever they meet, for which reason they are also called Comeuppance Fairies)

Change (one of a pack of magic mules)

Charlie Treadfaster (brother of Quentin Treadfaster and boyfriend of the blue twin Arabella)

Charon (bargeman or ferryman of Greek mythology who trasnports the souls of the dead to Hades) 

Chi and Shar Chi (positive and negative energy, according to Feng Shui)

Chick (The Little Yellow Chick is a pupil of Mr. Bigfish)

Chickenbroth (the shady son of Pestle and Mortar)

Chochinobakes (Japanese ghosts that haunt lanterns which explode when lit)

Christina Georgina Rossetti (the poetess)

Cicely (a sweet cicely fairy, girlfriend of Malrose)

Cidra (a faun who is the wife of Bronze Bronzethorn)

Clepeta Aprietos Bivalva (a fairy from Galicia who suffers an age disorder)

Clover Queen, The  (see Nine Queens)

Clovis (a chef whose specialty is Faux Baked Ham)

Cobweb (one of Titania’s fairies, leader of a squad of cleaners)

Cobweb Squad (The Cobweb Squad is a team of cleaners headed by the fairy Cobweb)

Comebackees, The (eighteen mortals and three sprites held captive by Garth and released by Gentlerain)

Comeuppance Fairies (fairies who spend all their time rewarding or punishing anyone they meet)

Community of Friends of the Garbage Dumps, The  (Leafies that have turned into Rubbishies and live in garbage dumps hates the humans who sent them there, but refuse to move to Apple Island and prefer to fight humans in little but lethal ways)

Copper Mine Dwarfs (a group of mining dwarfs)

Corrupius Surly (nicknamed Touchy, this irritable student at the Devil’s School of Magic in Salamanca represents the sin of ire)

Cranberry Toyfox (a member of the Renard clan)

Crispin (Gentlerain’s pet corgi, who used to live with the Brightfires and is the brother of Anselm)

Crown of Roses (ghostly daughter of the Richearths who is Goldenstar's twin sister)

Cucullati (the Cucullati live hidden not only from ,mortals but also from ordinary fay people so they won’t be bothered or distracted from their experiments and investigations and a colony of these hooded geniuses occupied a bunker deep inside Minced Forest until they had problems with Alpin)

Cucullata, The  (Rosina Redhood was the doorkeeper of the bunker inhabitted by the hooded geniuses of Minced Forest, became Arley’s girlfriend for a while, probably to humor him, and left him to turn into a full-time Recycling Queen in association with the Rubbishies)

Cucuphas Galo (an artist who favors the surreal)

Cuélebres  (Asturian serpents with wings like bats and crowns of gold on their heads who usually are employed in guarding treasures)

Cupid Bonnetbee (nicknamed Q, Cupid is a student at the Devil’s School of Magic in Salamanca and represents the sin of lust)

Curmudgeon Finn (a cranky treasure guardian fairy who despite being the librarian Mildew Finn’s brother was notoriously illiterate and who was taught to read by Michael and consequently became a billionaire)

Customers at Patay Gutom Burger in Wee Elmira  (kids invited to a birthday party, kids not invited to this party, kids who drink from the same paper glass, a nostalgic mum,  two boys and a girl without enough money to feed themselves to satisfaction)

Cybela (matchmaking blue fairy, grandmother of the Blue Twins, mother of Mabel and wife of the Memorion)

Cyclops Apples  (for harming the environment, the Pookah changed Alpin and at least three more  spirits and eighteen mortals into one-eyed apples and kept them in a small orchard they called Pomsylvania, where they were rescued by Gentlerain and turned back into a family of six mortals, a family of four other mortals, a young man and his sweetheart, a couple of friends, four individual mortals and three sprites)

Dacia Mnemosinite (Dacy is the Mnemosinite of the Western Section)

Daisy (also known as Margarethe and as Gretel, Daisy is Mathilde and Wildgale’s second daughter)

Dadivosa  (known as the Generous Couple, Gentlerain’s godfather Generoso and godmother Dadivosa give away almost everything they get to own and organize a Christmas Bazaar to raise funds they use to help unfortunate fairies and needy mortals) 

Dagobert (one of Brightfire and Pearl´s children, a Brightfire Kid)

Darcy Dullahanson (Alpin’s brother No no Darcy, The Dark Man or Handsome Darcy is a man no one can say no to who works as Titania’s coachman and is in charge of her stables, being, fortunately or unfortunately  for everyone, interested only in horses)

Deaf Cats (Uncle Evenfall’s collection of Deaf cats, most of them white)

Deambula (a very old and very rural fairy who is the female half of the Bent Couple, wife of Procopious and great aunt of Betabel and Sweet Cecily)

Devil, The (himself)

Devin (one of Arley’s brothers, the Indian Boy of Shakespeare´s Midsummer play, he is obsessed with computers and still lives in his parents’ palace with a host of parrots for pets)

Dilemma (one of a pack of magic mules)

Dilly (known as The Cocktail Queen, an  authority in cocktails)

Dirk (a Rhine dwarf, friend of Oberon)

Divina (Arley’s maternal grandmother, wife of AEternus)

Doctors, The Egyptian (friends of Thymian who operated on Feeseepkee, together with Dr. Matasano)

Doctor Watson (Sherlock Holmes’ friend)

Dolphus (Baby Dolphus is the nephew of Vinny and strives to be an intellectual)

Donald TV (Spiridoola’s husband was lost within one of the first TV sets while he studied its insides. Spiridoola always carries this TV set with her, in the hope her husband will be able to find his way out of it.)

Donatus (a donkey that belongs to Heather’s household, also known as Donnie)

Dreamboat (wonderful white horse given by Darcy to Arley to compensate him for being Alpin’s friend)

Duelists at Laza (a couple of ghosts who repeat every now and then the nocturnal duel they fought over the pit of an olive that sent them to their deaths)

Dutch Dwarfs (the owners and staff of the unusual restaurant Van Winkle’s are good friends of Richearth’s and go bowling with him)

Earl (The Earl of Pearl is the contructor that builds the ideal houses in Apple Island)

Eastra (The Great Hare)

Eddy (Mr. Eddy, Edgar Allan Poe)

Effect (one of a pack of magic mules from Titania´s stables)

Egon (one of a pack of magic mules from Titania’s stables)

Eleutherium (a child faun of the Thorn family of mountain fauns, son of Cidra and Bronze)

Elfin Mycological Society (The E.M.S. is the most prestigious club of mushroom fans to be found in any world)

Elkhorn Rabbitpaw (a member of The Fiddlehead Five musical quintet, husband of Marcilea)

Elucubrius  Truism (son of Johnny Truism and one of Richearth’s foolish kidnappers, the other being Bunglemore, and who is the son of Tam Bagpiper)

Elysio (Moth fairy in love with Lucerna Preciosa, father of Epon)

Ember Brightfire (Brightfire and Pearl’s daughter, a Brightfire Kid)

Ember (the red dragonfly Ember is a steed of the Leafies)

Ephraim Ruiz of Toledo (a great cabalist and friend of María Prophetísima who is the uncle of Ari)

Epon (son of Elysio and Lucerna Preciosa who is not very well in the head but finds himself in AEternus’ garden)

Ergon (one of a pack of magic mules)

Ernest (The Dullahan is Death’s coachman and married to Aislene, the ex Demon Bride and he is the father of Darcy, the twins Fiona and Branna and Alpin the Unchagedling)

Esmeraldo Greengem (a tiny emerald seahorse fairy from the river Acheron who became one of the Richearths' children and is known familiarly as Gem.) 

Estrella (Señora Estrella, Don Alonso’s housekeeper, who wears a patch on one eye when she gathers asparagus though she doesn’t need it)

Eumenides (the mythological Greek goddesses themselves)

Euric (a prince of the Upper North who is one of Oberon’s brothers, also Gentlerain’s half-brother and the husband of Nagore)

Evenfall (Peregrine Evenfall, one of Titania’s brother’s, possibly the most endearing)

Excelsius (Arley’s paternal grandfather, Lord of the Upper North)

Fake Aliens, The (two members of the Jocose Gang who wanted to laugh at Betabel and appeared to her pretending to be aliens announcing the end of the world and then saw the chance to make some money duping her enthusiastic followers)

Falguniben (The Lady Falguniben of Blackwood Bog,  masked daughter of Canute the Entangler, and of a once human lady from India)

Family of Ghosts at Lalín (these ghosts meet Alpin at the Recreational Area of Lalín and tell him about the fortuneteller Aunt Pomba)

Fatahowl (the most famous of the owls that live in the trees round Owl Wood Manse)

Faux Gorgon, The (a doll shaped like a Gorgon’s head that came to life when dipped in Shyboy Oil, acquiring the power to petrify those who look into her eyes and who has ended up drowning –hopefully! – in what is now called Gorgonhead Well or Gorgonwell in her honour)

Feathers (Alpin’s pet chicken)

Feeseepkee (supposedly a child Murky, the ancient Feeseepkee was adopted by Branna and Richearth and turned out to be a planter of demon seeds until surgery made him harmless and he became the new miller at Rag Hag Mill)

Felina Shyboy (a parafairy who is Tyrone Shyboy’s wife, also known as Felina of the Forest Cats)

Felina’s cats (nine black cats and a dozen kittens)

Felix Mendelssohn (Maestro Mendelssohn is Titania and Oberon’s favorite composer and often conducts the Royal Orchestra of Apple Island)

Fenfear (a fearsome fen wolf shapeshifter Beaurenard Flynn can turn into)  

Fenn (Large Peter and Fennela’s baby)

Fennela (Arley’s sister, a fennel fairy, wife of Large Peter and mother of the baby Fenn)

Fergus MacLob O’Toora (Michael O’Toora’s father)

Fiddlehead Five, The (five members of a musical quintet, namely Osmunda, Fidelius Fuddlehead, Marcilea, Elkhorn Rabbitpaw and Polyploidy)

Fidelius Fuddlehead Fiddlehead (founder and member of the Fiddlehead Five, husband of Osmunda and father of Marcilea)

Finbar MacLob O’Toora (Michael O’toora’s brother works as a toymaker for giftgivers like Santa Claus and the Magi, has a workshop in the North Pole, is married to the jealous Merrow Lira and is father of the sirens Marina and Lola among others)

Finisterre Fishfin (Clepeta’s husand, a chef who is an authority on cooking every kind of  fish)

Fiona Dullahan (twin sister of Branna, mother of Salty Boogerbeard’s good remains in the form of the child Ibys and married to Santichu)

Fishies (The Six Fishies, successful pupils of Mr. Bigfish)

Flaccus Intrepidus Nauta (the ghost of a Roman sailor who is Michael’s best friend and haunts his wife’s villa in Oretania)

Flipa (Darcy’s favorite mare)

Fluffy (the ghost of a Shyboy pet)

Fons Redthorn (one of the Thorn Brothers, mountain fauns, Fons has red hair and a red thorn on his forehead)

Foo Ling (Master Foo Ling is a master of Feng Shui who lives with his granddaughter Wisteria in the Nanay de la Kobai fruit shop and who each year changes shape and takes that of the animal of the year in the Chinese calendar)

Francis Flute (a bellows mender who is a character in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream and has become a member of the theatrical company The Merry Thespians and their Delicate Ladies)

Frankie (Franciscus is a young leafy)

Frederick (a prince of the Upper North who is Oberon’s brother and Gentlerain’s half-brother and is also the  husband of Oihana)

Freud (Doctor Sigmund, the psychiatrist)

Fritz (a Rhine dwarf, friend of Oberon)

Fronda (Titania´s cousin, one of the Seven Fairies)

Frostine Isberta (Alpin’s enormous magical talking fridge, created by Finbar on Aislene’s request)

Gabriot the Untiring (philosopher horse from the stables of Titania and  cared for by Darcy)

Garbage Eater, The Young (Alpin when turned into a young man who only eats garbage due to the Puca Garth´s curse)

Garth (Michael’s cousin is a foul-tempered pookah  who lurks under a bridge in Minced Forest and hates anyone who harms the forest or disturbs its peace) 

Gaspar (one of the The Magi or Three Wise Men)

Gastón (a French cook Richearth rescuesfrom Hell and cedes to his father AEternus)

Gatocatcha (Arley’s three-legged cat, a gift from Finbar the Toymaker)

Gelsemine di Limbo (Sleepy Gelsemine or Gelsemina  is a once human fairy, mother of Knick-knack Nimbo di Limbo)

Generoso (see Dadivosa)

Gentlerain (August Gentlerain, Titania’s twin brother)

George (Goblin George)

Gingerbread Man (a cookie that came to life and rapidly hit the road)

Gingerlad (Kion Confucius Faxian is called Gingerlad by his friends)

Glorvina (a banshee interested in ecology, cousin of The Wise Sisters who was forced by tradition to turn Michael into an English teacher)

Glowworms (Michael’s sugar loving pets mostly live in a lantern and, because they love sweets, their names are Honeylamb, Sweetiepie, Sugarbaby and Candykins)

Goblin Merchants (conflictive fairies that sell dubious goods, their names are Fishy, Leonine, Zerdus, Yok, Shifty, Wheeler and Goblin George)

Goblin George Goforth (the most prominent of the Goblin Merchants)

Goldenstar (ghostly son of the Richearths, who is the bwin btother of Crown of Roses)

Goodley (Murdo Goodley and Muriel Sweetquill are the publishers of the Goodley Book of  Bizarre Facts and Even Odder Records)

Good News Channel, The Only (a fay TV channel that only airs good news)

Goon Dorks (the more conservative members of the Vicious Villains’ Society)

Gorm Jock (one of the Blue Men of the Minch, a former pupil of the School of Magic in St. Cyprian’s Church, Salamanca)

Goro (the fifth of the Peach Boy Five)

Grandchildren of Leopold (three little Leafies who are the grandchildren of the Leafy elder Leopold)

Granny Milksops (a member of the kitchen staff of Titania’s parents’ household who later went to work for Mabel and Gentlerain)

Grapevine Queen, The  (see Nine Queens)

Gray Shadows, The  (to avoid being recognized, Uncle Gen’s preventer assistants often appear as gray shadows)

Greed King of Ravagedland, The  (everything possible was done by the Sherbananians who suffered him to forget this evil man’s name)

Gregoria Tenoria (a strange woman drawn from a top hat by Finbar the Toymaker to be Alpin’s nanny and who later chose to be Valentine’s nanny instead)

Grindlebul Elves, The  (elves that live in the Grindlebul Mountain chain in a thoroughly fortified abd walled complex of castles known as Green Dale City)

Groggy (the Grogoch, a friendly but not too clean fairy who works as a farmhand for free)

Grrr (the Wildgale girls’ pet dragon)

Hag of the Rag, The (an invisible evil creature, believed to be a witch, who uses a dust rag as a weapon)

Harpagophytum Small (a comeuppance encountering fairy who wanders about both worlds in the guise of a busker who is a one man orchestra)

Heather  (Arley’s slightly older sister, sweet and pretty)

Henbeddestyr Parry (Henny, who  is the son of Aureabel Parry, is a very generous apothecary who doesn’t chagre for his medicines or his advice and who, together with his dragon Taffy, offers a free musical concert every day at twelve in his shop and who is so close to Titania’s brothers that he is considered one more of them)

Henry (one of Oberon’s  brothers, a prince of the Upper North)

Henry, Marquis of  Villena (Lord Henry is a famous Castillian magician whose shadow was stolen by the Devil in the middle ages and has been recently recovered by Arley, with whom it has chosen to remain)

Hermeticus Shyboy (the ghost of a parafairy who was the father of Lonefellow Shyboy and the son of the Reverend Doubting Thomas Shyboy)

Hiku (Lady Hiku is the spider lady, who uses her false son, who is really her spinneret, to attack men)

Holy Company, The  (a procession of souls from Purgatory that wanders on earth at night and among whose members there is an unfortunate mortal who has been captured and will try to trap a substitute before leading these souls about  kills him or her)

Holly Queen, The  (see Nine Queens)

Hoovers, The  (psychic vampires)

Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The  (themselves)

Ibiza (gorgeous siren friend of Lola)

Ibys (Fiona’s son Ibys is a fairy boy born from the little good there was in the pirate Salty Boogerbeard and  who is in love with and loved by Valentine)

Ichiro  (the eldest of the Peach Boy Five)

Iggy (one of Brightfire and Pearl’s sons, a Brightfire Kid)

Ilona (a Menehune girl who befriends Candle)

Imp Tree Demons (demons that grow out of multiple seeds that have turned into one tree, known in Japanese as an oniki)

Indian Armourer (a magician who specializes in creating magical weapons, friend of Don Alonso)

Indian Queen of Blackwood Bog, The  (the Indian wife of Scandinavian Bog King Canute who is the mother of the Lady Falguniben)

Israfel (The Angel of Music)

Itsy (the ghost of a Shyboy pet)

Ivy Queen, The (see Nine Queens)

Jackal Priest, The (an agent of the god Anubis)

Jane (Plain Jane Doe, a passionate Sherbananian woman who got to be her country’s first president)

Jane’s children (Jane has at least eighteen children, eight of which  grew up and left Sherbanania never to return, but the other, younger ten had to be evacuated by Gentlerain because due to frequenting the chestnut grove they had penetrated into Mince Forest and were growing horns, which made them appear to be sinister beings to their countrymen)

Jarjobolim (a wayward spirit turned into an apple by Garth, freed from this spell by Gentlerain,  possessed by Manolus and captured  by Arley and the preventers)

Jiro (the second of the Peach Boy Five)

Job Hob (Sir Job Hob, a once mortal and now fay Elizabethan gentleman who was invited to Fairyland by Mrs. Parry and built the Royal Library of St. Job for Titania and Oberon)

Jocosa (Titania’s cousin, one of the Seven Fairies)

Jocose Gang (The Jocose Gang, of which Jocosa is boss, is a society of pranksters)

Joey (the recepcionist at the Hell Hotel)

Johnny Ben Balthazar (the African Prester John, son of the biblical magus Balthazar)

Johnny Truism (father of Elucubrius Truism)

Johnsie (a Leafy who is Vinny’s cousin and fell into Shyboy Oil)

Joy Or Woe (the fay postperson,a a very colourful lady)

Julius Caesar (the Roman rumorred to be Oberon’s father because he insisted on adopting him to grant him Roman citizenship, the mother supposedly being Morgan Le Fay)

Jung, Carl Gustav (Dr. Jung himself)

Kaholo (Menehune fay lad)

Katafalkos (an infernal civil servant of the underworld who authorizes entry into Hades)

Kevin (the Amadan, or jester of Titania and Oberon’s court, he is Michael’s mean brother always up to some wicked business)

Kikicheeky (son of a woodwose and a fierce Russian witch, he has the power to grant wishes but only if they will disturb the wisher)

Kittopher (a very small black cat)

Knick-Knack Nimbus di Limbo (an amiable little gargoyle brought to life by Gelsamine and forced by circumstances to be a petty thief)

Kobolds of Blue Mountain, The (miner dwarfs who work in the Gentle Mountain Mines, good friends of Gentlerain)

Krakula (R.D. Krakula, owner of a grooming stable and spa for equines)

Lady Blackwood (the mother of Canute, King of Blackwood Bog)

Ladybugs (Lucina’s pets, they help her deliver babies that have been ordered from her)

Lady Macbeth (Macbeth’s wife)

Laetitia (Titania´s cousin, one of the Seven Fairies)

Lambert  (one of Brightfire and Pearl’s sons, a Brightfire Kid)

Laurel (a female guard like Olive and Aveline, but whereas they defend the Purple Fountain, Laurel always accompanies AEternus and assures him victory in all he does)

Leafies (tiny fairies that take the shape of samaras, leaves, blades of grass, berries, flowers, seeds  and other vegetable types and of which there are different tribes, such as  the Leafies of Minced Forest, who  are good friends of Arley and of Michael O’Toora,  the aristocratic Leafies who dwell in the gardens of Titania and Oberon’s palace and the Rubbishies, who live in the dumpyards of the mortal world)

Lek and Lamon (the names of these friendly Siamese twin Leafies mean gentle and little person)

Lentus Treadfaster (first of the Treadfasters, a very slow fellow who, impatient with himself, wished his descendants would be much faster than he was and got his wish)

Leopold (a Leafy elder)

Lily (a nice mortal schoolgirl)

Lily Queen, The  (see Nine Queens)

Lionel and Leona (two of Johnny Ben Balthazar’s lions)

Lira (Lira Anadyomene Ronan, the Jealous Merrow, Finbar´s wife, mother of Lola and Marina and other sirens and owner of a famous pub)

Locusts, The (when Alpin is cursed by the Púca and turns into a young man who devours garbage, the part of his hunger that prefers clean food takes the form of locusts that roost in his hair when not feeding)

Lola (La Belle Lola,  one of Finbar and Lira’s gorgeous  mermaid daughters)

Lonefellow Pineaway Shyboy (nicknamed Uncle Jumbisack by the Leafies, and taken for a Vile Red Magician by Don Alonso at first, Lonefellow is a parafairy who is a  dedicated vet and who uses miraculous Shyboy Oil to cure many maladies and practically revive the dead)

Lorcans (a race of very special dogs created by Finbar O’Toora)

Lorenzo (a chef expert in vegetable roasts)

Lorna Pineaway (once a parafairy from the West Indies, now a ghost, wife of Hermeticus and mother of Lonefellow Shyboy, this lady created the miraculous Shyboy Oil)

Lottery seller of Grey City (a human lady who sold little clover lottery to Arley and Vinny)

Lotus Tree (a tree in the garden of the palace of Titania and Oberon who sheltered Valentine when she was a newly born baby)

Luigi (a chef who is an authority on Italian cuisine)

Louis (a mortal schoolboy who is always telling his teachers what to do and whom everyone calls Vindicative Louis)

Louisa (the most civil of Jane’s children has a special bond with Eleutherium)

Lucerna Preciosa (an electrician who is Titania´s cousin and one of the Seven Fairies, is married to Elysio and is mother of Epon)

Lucina (Roman goddess of childbirth, one can order babies from her if one doesn’t find them on one’s own)

Lucina’s Ladybugs (Lucina’s pet bugs help her deliver babies)

Ludovica (a sea blue fairy who is the architect of the ideal houses built in Apple Island and who tells the fortunes of the newly-born with cowrie shells, predicting their wishes concerning their ideal homes)

Luigi (chef who specializes in Italian food)

Lukinotakis (a Greek fairy who is a famous fashion designer )

Lush Leaf Trees, The  (a group of Minced Forest Trees who give a famous barbecue every summer)

Luxviminda (one ot the Wise Sisters, she is in charge of protecting the salmon of knowledge MacMor)

Ma’am (also known as The Mrs., she is a nice mortal lady in whose car Arley slept when plagued with nightmares that estranged him from Apple Island)

Mabel (Gentlerain’s wife)

Mabinia (a very ancient fairy, one of the pilars of Fay society)

Macbethus (King Macbeth himself)

Mac Mor (an immortal salmon of knowledge who is looked after by The Wise Sisters)

Maebh, Mrs. (a cook who worked for the Malones, got herself a doctorate in chemistry and ended up working for Oberon. She was a victim of the RagHag.)

Mafiosi Bats (to please the goddess Pallas Athena, these bats bit Mr. Eddy, who consequently died of rabies)

Magic Oven, The (a huge professional oven sold to Salty by Magpie that turned the greater part of him into a gingerbread cookie andthe lesser into the child Ibys)

Magnus (a Leafy)

Magpie, Merchant of Mauve Moor (a shady bird fairy who is owner of Magpie’s Nest, an enormous store where she deals in all sorts of brand new and secondhand ítems including magic treasures)

Malcolfus  (a Leafy Elder)

Malrose (seventh son of Oberon and Titania, eternal boyfriend of Sweet Cicely and who is a crab apple sprite who lives in an ait between the rivers Sage and Endeavour  where he grows all sorts of splendid fruit and vegetables)

Malthus (Thomas Robert Malthus, the philosopher)

Man from the West Indies, The (a man with a great voice who sings Yellow Bird as he walks to Magpie's Nest and who is probably the ghost of Harry Belafonte)

Manolus (one of Jane’s sons, a very uncivilized boy)

Manto (famous Greek seeress, daughter of Tiresias and mother of Mopsus)

Marcilea (Marci is a member of the Fiddlehead Five, the daughter of Osmunda and Fidelius and the wife of Elkhorn)

Margery Milksops (Margery, fondly known as Granny Milksops, was in charge of preparing desserts  for the Virbonus family when Titania and her brothers were little and now lives and works in Gentle Manor)

Granny Milksops was the person who prepared desserts and other sweet dishes in the kitchen of Titania’s parents and who later went to work for Mabel and Gentlerain)

Marina (Lira and Finbar’s gorgeous daughter, owner of Sweet Song of the Siren Voice Culture School)

Marius (one of the Shyboy ghosts)

Marmaduke (Lola’s  now and again boyfriend)

Marrubium (a lar, twin brother of Rhabarbarum or Rhubarb, the two run the bar and restaurant of AEternus’ golf club)

Martin (a nice mortal schoolboy)

Mary Sweet  (see Mari Gozu)

Marquis of Villena (see Henry, Marquis of Villena)

Mary the Prophetess (María Prophetissima or Hebrew Mary is a legendary alchemist and a good friend of Titania’s)

Marzipan Man (a figure made of marzipan that came to life and rapidly hit the road)

Matasano, Dr. (a doctor from Jigoku who operated on Feeseepkee together with two Egyptian doctors named User and Ptahhotep)

Mathilde (Mathilde the Valkyrie, once Oberon’s childhood sweetheart, is Wildgale’s wife and mother of Tolphie and Daisy)

Mauel, Little ( Mauelito is AEternus’ first and favourite pet, a small but terrible mostly grey cat Divina gave him)

Mausi (a very small gray cat that can be confused with a large mouse)

Melaniona (the Black Witch Moth)

Melchior (King Melchior, one of the Magi or Three Wise Men)

Melinoe’s Band (a  group of souls from Hades who still have business on earth and return to do it walking about at night led by the goddess Melinoe and her pack of dogs)

Melissa (The Bee Tree Baby sequestered by Pearl as a substitue for Candle Brightfire and who eventually became Arley’s sister)

Melissa Shyboy (one the Shyboy ghosts)

Melody (a talking harp bought from Magpie by Mrs. Parry for her son Henbeddestyr’s dragon Taffy)

Memorion or Mnemosinite, The  (Belvedere the Mnemosinite, also known as TheMemorion, is AEternus’ memory, and brother of the four directional Mnemosinites, Polarisa, Dacia, Anatolia and Zeferina)

Meowly (the child of an owl and a pussycat who lives with Mausi and Kittopher).

Mendelssohn, Felix (Titania and Oberon’s favorite composer, who is the conductor of the Royal Orchestra of Apple Island)

Menehune Elder (a Hawaiian fairy elder)

Menehunes (Hawaiian Fairies)

Merlin (the Arthurian wizard)

Merry Thespians of Athens and Their Delicate Ladyfriends, The (highly successful company of actors and actresses led by Nick Bottom)

Merville (Ibiza’s now and again boyfriend)

Michael O’Toora (the Leprechaun that started it all when he had to become an English teacher)

Mikala (a very ancient fairy, one of the pilars of Fay society)

Mildew Finn (the kind librarían in charge of the Royal Library of Patient St. Job in Apple Island, sister of Curmudgeon Finn)

Miley (the favorite niece of Titania and Oberon, a chamomile fairy)

Milksops (see Margery Milksops)

Minafer Ominous (the ghost of a Victorian medium who still practices as an occultist and who  is the partner of Gemaniah Worrywart)

Minced Forest Leafy Chorale (a choir of Leafies who love music and sound rather like crickets)

Miss Brigid Stress on the Penultimate Syllable (a mortal language teacher)

Mnemosinites, The  (these five main members of the Circle of Memory are Belvedere the Memorion and his four sisters, Anatolia, Dacia, Polarisa and Zeferina, known collectively as the Mnemosinites, and each having his or her own team of helpers)

Moles (Rupert and Swithin, part of a web of professional spies, all of them moles)

Moll Avery (the Devil’s maid and doorkeeper at his school in Salamanca)

Momo San (The Honorable Mr. Peach, husband of Anatolia, brother-in-law of the Memorion and father of the Peach Boy Five and Camelia)

Monad (one of a pack of magic mules)

Mons Blackthorn (one of the Thorn Brothers, mountain fauns, Mons has green hair and a black thorn on his forehead and is often confused with Pons Greenthorn, who has black hair and green thorn)

Mopsus (infallible seer, grandson of Tiresias)

Morgan le Fay (famous fairy sister of King Arthur who was persuaded by Julius Caesar to become Oberon's foster mother when Julius insisted on adopting him and making him a Roman citizen)

Mortal Schoolkids (Martin, Lily, Annie and even Vindicative Louis are good human schoolchildren as opposed to the bullies Sticks and Stones)

Mortar (one of the oldest inhabitants of Apple Island, Mortar and his family sell herbs and potions and dubious concotions)

Moth (famous lady-in-waiting of Titania, fencing champion of the Fay World and an authority on fashionable clothes)

Mr. Big Fish (in a dream Heather has, Mr. Big Fish is headmaster of a posh watery school)

Mr. Deadpan (one of Demetrius Richearth’s nicknames, given him because of his habbit of saying odd things with a very straight face)

Mr. Eddy (Edgar Allan Poe himself)

Mr. Lamebear (a kind teacher at a school for mortal kids)

Mr. Lovefield (Don Benito Campoamor, a poet)

Mr. Peter Trickster (the tricky mortal headmaster of a school for human children)

Mrs. Black Widow (mother of a troublesome pupil of Mr. Big Fish)

Mrs. Gelsemine di Limbo (Knickknack Nimbus di Limbo’s mother tends to have sleep disorders and was kidnapped by fairies as a child and now is a fairy too)

Mrs. Nauta (Nauta’s wife, a native of Oretania, whose name is Servilia)

Munchy (Heather’s pet bunny)

Murasaki (Lady Murasaki, author of the Tale of Genji, is a ghost who is Michael O’Toora’s good friend, and they play music together under the full moon on certain nights)

Murky  or Murkee  (Terry, The Old Man of the Mound who lives near the Pestles’ garden)

Mustardseed (one of Titania’s fairies, a brilliant chef and a gourmet and gourmand)

Mylor (AEternus’ fiercely loyal butler, whom AEternus calls Barnaby the Bright)

Myrmidons (The Fay Myrmidons are Gentlerain’s army of ants)

Nauta (Flaccus Intrepidus Nauta, ghost of a roman naval officer who tells mythological tales, who lives in Oretania with his wife and their household, is Michael’s good friend and has two pet cats, Catullus and Cato)

Nebula (Titania’s cousin, one of the Seven Fairies)

Nectarine or Nekutarin (Momo San’s great aunt, who looks after the Peach Boy Five and Camellia at the Memorion’s home)

Neferkittens, The  (see The Attshebies)

Neferlily (fairy cat priestess at the Temple of Mayet)

Neidy (the dragon that guarded Mathilde at the Grove of the Well-hidden Flower and now lives with her and Wildgale)

Nephelai (The Nephelai are the ladies of the clouds)

Nettie (sister of Miley, cousin of Arley, a nettle fairy)

Niall (Uncle Niall, the Grey Man, who spreads his cloak and produces a mist than in turn may produce accidents)

Nicholas Sweetquill (Nicky, author of romantic novels,  is the faithful boyfriend of the Blue Twin Belinda)

Nick Bottom (a weaver who is a character in Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream and has become the best actor in Fayland)

Nicty (Nictymene, the goddes Pallas Athena’s pet owl)

Nigella (Arley’s extravagant flower fairy cousin)

Night Fears (one of Darcy’s black stallions)

Nimbus (see Knicknack Nimbus di Limbo)

Nine Queens of Apple Island, The  (a horticultural club whose members are the great ladies Clover, Violet, Lily, Holly, Oak, Ivy, Rose, Apple and Grapevine)

Noon (one of Pearl and Brightfire’s daughters and therefore a Brightfire Kid)

Northern Aunts, The  (these ladies, namely Nagore and Oihana, are the wives of two of Oberon’s brothers, Euric and Frederick)

Nuberu (The Nuberu is another name for the rainmaking  god Taranis)

Nuño Paez (the ghost of a soldier who fell in battle and haunts a weird battlefield)

Oak Queen, The  (see Nine Queens)

Oberon (the king of the Fairies)

Occasion (one of a pack of magic mules)

Olive (one of the two security guards of the Purple Fountain, the other is Aveline, and there is a third, named Laurel, who is never needed at the Fountain, always follows AEternus around, acting as his bodyguard)

Omar Khayyam (the Persian poet)

Oni (a name for devils in Japanese that has been applied to Feeseepkee’s tree imps and to Feeseepkee himself)

Oniki (a Japanese name for a devil tree, applied by Aunt Nekutarin and the Peach boys to Feeseepkee)

Ophidian Evergreen (a student at the Devil’s school of magic in Salamanca who specializes in the sin of envy)

Osmunda Fiddlehead (a member of The Fiddlehead Five, wife of Fidelius and mother of Marcilea)

Owls of Owl Wood (the most famous of the owls who live in the trees that surround Owl Wood Manse is Fatahowl)

Oyster  (for eating chocolate Easter eggs and more Easter sweets  that belonged to Garth, this pookah changed Alpin into an oyster for a time)

Padimaahaes (Padi is Thymian’s extremely rare male tortoiseshell cat)

Pamela (the ghost of a tiny bee who is the pet of  Goldenstar and Crown of Roses)

Panacea (Asclepius’ daughter)

Paradox (one of a pack of magic mules from Titania’s stables)

Parafairies  (mortals who are fairyphiles and live as if they were fay themselves, the Shyboys being an example of a  family of Parafairies.)

Parrot Peter (a young gentleman of the press who has a radio program that is very opinonated)

Patronio (a storytelling character from The Tales of Count Lucanor)

Patty Intrepida (once a mortal cub reporter, now adopted by fairies and the full-fledged terror of fay celebrities, AEternus wants her in the Circle of Mnemosinites)

Peach Boy Five, The  (Ichiro, Jiro, Saburo, Shiro and Goro are the brothers of Camelia and the sons of Momo San and the Mnemosinite Anatolia)

Pearl (also called Margery is Brightfire’s wife)

Peaseblossom (one of Titania’s fairies, she has Australian relatives)

Pebblesbright (magic stones that keep everything they are in touch with fresh and new and young)

Pedubastis (a cat fairy from the Temple of Mayet who teaches the Atshebies Cattusgyptios)

Pelican (the wooden pelican carved by Oberon’s father for his grandson Arley, who used it to trap Jarjobolim)

Penia (goddess of poverty to whom Petey Pepperpot raises a statue)

Pérez the Mouse (or the Mouse Petersen or Peterson is the legendary tooth fairy who is also a fabulously  wealthy banker)

Pestle (one of the oldest inhabitants of Apple Island who prepares and sells all sorts of shady potions and remedies)

Petal Fling Festival (also called the Petalia, the flowering trees of Minced Forest and the red capped poison mushroom dwarfs organize this festival every spring) 

Peter (Large Peter, a lambcress fairy married to Fennela and father of Baby Fenn)

Peter Booter or Peter the Freebooter (a ferocious once mortal bootmaker turned pirate who is in charge of keeping the cauldrons burning in hell)

Petey Pepperpot (a crazy thief with what he believed to be good intentions that became king of Sherbanania and was eventually deposed, especially because of the evil influence Dr. Viruta Meagrebrain had over him)

Peter Quince (a carpenter who is a character in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream and who has become a member of the theatrical company called The Merry Thespians and their Delicate Ladyfriends)

Pilar (a feral cat who lives within Minced Forest and frequents Owlwood Manor)

Pinky (the ghost of a Shyboy pet)

Pipnoshers (small flying creatures created y Dr. Viruta Pocuscocus Meagrebrain, practically exterminated in the Sherbananian War, but a few of which were resurrected with changes for the better by Thymian and renamed Sugarbuggies, while the rest were recruited by Anubis for his army while their discarded mortal forms were used as fertilizer in the sunflower fields)

Phoenix  (a mythological bird of which there was initially only one in existence, but now a reduced number of this extraordinary type of bird exists, such as a ruby red peacock-like Phoenix belonging to AEternus and a rose and emerald feathered bird belonging to Prester John)

Photographer Phil (a friend of Patty Intrepida who takes excellent photographs)

Pobretos (The Pobretos or Pobretes or Poor Things are unfortunate and usually mishappen dogs rescued from the mortal world by fairy people and who become as adequate as any fay animal)

Polarisa (Polly is the Mnemosinite of the Northern Department)

Polpetto (see Pulpito)

Polyantha (chariot driving dragoness that saved Petey Pepperpot from being lynched)

Polyploidy (the ghost of a bear who is one of The Fiddlehead Five)

Pomba (Aunt Pomba is a septuagenarian fortuneteller from Galicia who has an affair with Richearth)

Pomba’s Pigeon (four and twenty pigeons that travel to New York with Pomba and mate with the pigeons of this city)

Pons Greenthorn (one of the Thorn Brothers, mountain fauns, Pons has black hair and a green thorn on his forehead and though they don’t look alike at all is often confused with Mons, who has green hair and a black thorn)

Poppy Fairies (a group of flower fairies Bluebell fairies consider rustics)

Premise (one of a pack of magic mules)

Prester John (Johnny Ben Balthazar, son of the Magus Balthazar and friend of AEternus)

Pricklies (the Pricklies, or Prickly Kids, are kids who refuse to have parents and live to do always as they please)

Primrose Seed Planters  (The PSP, front for the Prudent Siblinghood of Preventers)

Prisoner to be exchanged (an evil youth sequestered by the Atshebies and their great-grandfather so that Titania could exchange him for Mari's wicked son)

Procession of Meigas (a parade of witches that haunts the night in Galicia)

Procopius (this very old and very rustic fairy is the male half of the Bent Couple, Deambula’s husband and Sweet Cecily and Betabel’s oldest relative)

Prosperous Pincher (nicknamed Penny by his fellow students at the Devil’s school of magic in Salamanca, he represents the sin of avarice)

Prudent Siblinghood of Preventers (a secret society of much concerned worrywarts  that protects the fay from all sorts of threats, large and small)

Ptahhotep (an Egyptian doctor who performs surgery on Feeseepkee together with User and Dr. Matasano)

Puck (Robin Goodfellow, Oberon’s best friend)

Pulpito (also called Polpetto, is  Cespuglio’s pet dog, one of the Perros Pobretos or Poor Thing Dogs, whose real name is Candide)

Purpurina (Divina's rainbow-coloured cat who leaves a sparkling trail of fairy dust wherever she goes)

Pusilana (Titania’s white Persian cat)

Pygmies (Prester John employs Pygmies as servants)

Quentin Treadfaster (brother of Charlie Treadfaster and boyfriend of Thistle)

Quince (Peter, a carpenter)

Quixote (Don Alonso Quijano, also known as Don Quixote de la Mancha, is one of Michael’s pupils)

Radley (Beaurenard's imaginary brother, a hare fairy, who is a projection of Beau's mind and can appear before others at the same time as Beaurenard does or apparently independently)

Rag Hag, The (an evil invisible creature of unknown origin and supposed to be a woman who haunted a mill and swatted trespassers with a lethal rag that reduced them to ashes she kept in glass boxes and who is now ashes in a glass box herself)

Rag Hag Victims (these include five Hungarians, a little boy and his calico dragon, a Grindlebul Elf, three Prickly Kids, the very modern and very gorgeous cook Mrs. Meabh, a dizzy squirrel, a crow, some owls and other birds, toads, frogs, butterflies, rabbits, spiders, a garter snake, a bear cub, a fierce grey wolf, Little Mauel and a flea caught by AEternus before anyone could see it when it was rescued and returned to its normal shape)

Relic of Saint Caralampius (whoever is in possesion of this relic will not go hungry)

Renard Clan (a clan of fox-like fairies regarded as unsafe to have dealings with despite the fact that nothing has ever been proved to be dishonest or shady about them)

Reynolds (Poe’s raven)

Rhabarbarum (Rhubarb, the Lar in charge of the bar and restaurant at AEternus’ golf course, twin brother and business partner of Marrubium, who also works for AEternus)

Rhinegold Elves, The (these elves work for Rhinegold Incorporated, a company in charge of keeping the gold of the Rhine safe)

Richearth, Demetrius Estraricus  (Titania’s younger brother, a fertility demon)

Road Fairies (wandering groups of fairies who occasionally visit Minced Forest and even Apple Island, some of which are good and some of which are bad, like those who kidnapped the child Gelsamine)

Robin Starveling (a tailor and an actor who is a character in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream and who is a member of the theatrical company The Merry Thespians and tTheir Delicate Ladyfriends)

Rose Queen, The (see Nine Queens)

Rosina Redhood (see The Cucullata)

Rossetti, Christina Georgina (the nineteenth century poetess)

Rubbishies, The (former forest and garden Leafies who ended up living in garbage dumps thanks to evil humans and their stubborn refusal to move to Apple Island)

Ruinothers (one of the two members of the Jocose Gang who pretended to be aliens to laugh at  Betabel and then saw a chance to make money duping her followers)

 Rupert the Mole (a mole who is a  profesional spy who works with his partner Swithin for the  United Moles of the Nether Worlds Spy Network)

Sabatica (one of the Wise Sisters)

Saburo (the third of the Peach Boy Five brothers)

Saint Barbara (who is often appealed to by characters during storms)

Saint Cyprian (patron saint of magicians)

Saint Lucy (this saint is a very good friend of Heather and Thistle’s, as well as of Generoso and Dadivosa)

Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus himself)

Salty Boogerbeard (Salty was a  rich pirate who lived in Firefly Island, also known as Ananas Island, bought Bumps’ Island and tried to open a grand casino there, got his freocious bad side turned into a gingerbread cookie and his puny good side into a baby adopted by Fiona called Ibys)

Samaras of Temperance Elm Grove, The  (the most famous of these samaras are known as The Elmas, housewives who are experts in economy)

Sancho (Sancho Panza wants to learn English because it could come in handy when he gets to govern an island)

Santa Claus (St. Nicholas of Bari)

Santichu Semeurtzi (a Basque fairy who owned the posh restaurant called The Poultice  and later married Fiona Dullahan and is chef at the Bumps’ Island Spa and Ashram and also Ibys’s stepfather)

Saturnina (Empress of the Moth Fairies)

Scheherazade (the lovely and wise storyteller of the Thousand and One Nights)

Second Shadow, The (Arley’s second shadow originally belonged to Henry, Marquis of Villena and was stolen from this wizard by the Devil and later it was recovered by Arley, whom it has chosen to always accompany)

Servilia (Nauta’s Wife)

Shakespeare (William himself)

Shameless Ones, The (these are the more modern members of the Vicious Villains’ Society)

Shamus Yellowbee (a Scottish bumblebee who rents a boat to Arley when he visits the Minch)

Sherbananians, The (Alpin involves Arley and Gentlerain  in one of the wars of this nation of mortals)

Sheriff of Sherbananawood (this relatively practical  man first supported the Greed King and then overthrew him and made Petey king, but quarreled with Dr. Meagrebrain and was murdered by her)

Sherlock Holmes (the detective himself)

Shiro (the fourth of the Peach Boy Five brothers)

Sidhe Bang, F.C. (one of the two football teams of Apple Island and Minced Forest. Its colours are purple and green)

Siegie (one of Mathilde’s dragons)

Sinead (Shinny is Michael’s pet sheep)

Singing Waiters (amoretti who are singing waiters at The Poultice)

Sirens of Anthemoessa (these muses of the netherworld live in a very fertile island, fertile thanks to the corpses of the drowned that the tide brings to shore and their names are Bright Voice, Bewitching Words, Able Persuasion, Song, Maiden Voice, Allure, Charming Melody and Beckoning Call) 

Skyhigh (enormous dragon that Gentlerain asks to transport Frostine to and from Galicia)

Snout (Tom, a tinker)

Snug (a joiner and an actor who is a character in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

Sparky (the corgi Crispin was nicknamed Sparky by Candle Brightfire when he was her pet)

Spellbound Young Garbage Eater, The (Alpin while under a spell for eating forbidden fruit)

Spiders (the Three Spiders are pupils of Mr. Bigfish)

Spikey (a Prickly boy whom Candle tries to adopt)

Spiridoola (one of the Wise Sisters, Mrs. Donald TV)

Starveling (Robin, a tailor)

Sticks (a mortal schoolboy who is a bully, sidekick of Stones)

Stones (a mortal schoolboy who is a bully, sidekick of Sticks)

Sugarbuggies, The (creatures that were once Pipnoshers but were reformed by Thymian)

Sun, The (The Sun sees a lot of what is going on and is often consulted by information-seekers)

Sweet Cecily (Cecy is Malrose’s girlfriend, sister of Betabel)

Sweetquill, Muriel (Muriel Sweetquill is the owner of a publishing house that publishes, among other things, The Goodley Book of Bizarre Facts and Even Odder Records. Her business partner is Murdo Goodley)

Sweetquill, Nicholas and Muriel (Nicholas Sweetquill is a writer of romantic novels and the faithful boyfriend of the Blue Twin Belle, and he is the son of publisher Muriel Sweetquill)

Swiss Treasure Hunter (the Swiss Treasure Hunter is the ghost of a man who in life fruitlessly sought a treasure in Galicia and now parades witha cauldron full of diamonds and gold coins)

Swithin (a mole who is a professional spy, he and his partner Rupert are part of a network of moles who obtain and sell information)

Taffy (Henny Parry’s singing dragon)

Tago (one of Arley’s older brothers, a plantain fairy)

Taichi (a demon who is doorkeeper of Yomi, the Shintoist hell)

Talking Harp (Melody the Talking Harp was bought by Mrs. Parry from Magpie for her son Henbeddestyr’s dragon, Taffy)

Talking Wall of Owl Wood Manse, The (a wall that communicates making graffiti appear on it)

Tam Bagpiper (wealthy father of Elucubrius)

Tansy Mandrakecott (a weird artist, apparently a pupil at the Devil’s school in Salamanca, who represents the sin of Sloth but may be the Devil himself, or not.)

Taranis (Celtic god that is one of the members of the Nocturnal Triad and known as the Nuberu among the Asturians)

Tarquin M.C. de la C.C. (a student at the Devil’s school of magic in Salamanca who represents the sin of pride).

Tasmanian Jury (the jury that judged Curmudgeon for the kidnapping of Alpin as well as George Goforth, Basiliska Chookfeather and Magpie, Merchant of Mauve Moor for trying to sell the verbal tenses was composed of the eleven Australian cousins of Peaseblossom and had Mr. Binky for a foreman) 

Taya Knot (one of Alpin’s suitresses)

Tearose (dragonfly who is the steed of Baby Dolphus)

Teddies of Teddy Bosk (Teddies once owned by fay children and discarded when their owners grow up that live together in Teddy Bosk)

Telesphorus (god of convalescence)

Tennyson (Lord Alfred Tennyson, nineteenth century poet laureate who wrote The Idylls of the King)

Terpsichore (the muse of dance who leads the Midsummer Ball hosted by Titania and Oberon)

Thaddeus (a Leafy)

The Three Non-acquatic spiders (pupils of  Mr. Big Fish)

The Tiny Imps (wee devils who work under the supervisión of Peter Booter)

The Tiny Little Yellow Chick (a pupil of Mr. Big Fish)

Tireless Spinner (the daughter of Mortar and Pestle spends all her time spinning in an attic)

Tiresisas (the seer of Tyre who now dwells in Hades)

The Two Turtles (pupils of Mr. Big Fish)

The Six Little Fishes (pupils of Mr. Big Fish)

Thistle (Arley’s slightly older sister)

Thomas Shyboy (the Reverend Thomas Shyboy, nicknamed Doubting Thomas,  built Owl Wood Manse for his peculiar family)

Thorn Fauns (fauns distinguished by a thorn in the middle of their forehead that live in the mountains near Minced Forest, the he most famous being the brothers Pons, Fons and Mons and their cousin Bronze, father of Eleutherium)

Thymian (Arley’s Egyptologist brother, a thyme sprite and an expert in awful curses)

Tiburtius (one of the Leafies)

Ticket (a ticket Mr. Binky gave Oberon for driving without a licence that Oberon angrily turned into a crow)

Titania (Queen of the Fairies)

The Tit Willow Gentlemen (two Victorian ghosts who sing the song Titwillow from The Mikado on their way to Magpie’s nest, possibly Gilbert and Sullivan)

Tob ( a Leafy who is Bob’s twin brother)

Tom Snout (a tinker and an actor who is a character in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

Tomasino (a singing waiter who is maître at The Poultice)

Tony  (Temperate Tony is a betony sprite)

Treadfaster, Lentus, Charlie and Quentin (Lentus is the first of the Treadfasters, among whose descendants are Charlie Treadfaster, the loyal boyfriend of the Blue Twin Bella, and his brother Quentin Treadfaster, Thistle’s also loyal boyfriend)

Tree Imps (Imps that grew on a tree planted by Feeseepkee)

Tree of Imps (a tree that grows imps instead of nornal fruit)

Trees of the Dullahan Neighbourhood (famous for protesting because of the noise Alpin made when insisting on claiming his ideal home)

Tree of Truth and Falsehood

Tropez (Bump islander who was to be manager of  Salty Boogerbeard’s casino. Salty nicknamed him Bumpety-Bump. He now works for Fiona’s Spa.)

Truth and Falsehood (two damsels who are characters from a tale of Count Lucanor)

Turtles (the Two Green Turtles are pupils of Mr. Bigfish)

Twi-cherries (the massive appearance of these talking, two-headed cherries, in Aislene’s garden always predicts a grand victory in football games)

Tyrone Shyboy (Ty is one of the Shyboy parafairies and is a gifted graffiti artist)

Una  (Very Great Aunt Una is the most ancient of mugwort fairies, and one of the pilars of Fay society)

Ula (Mother of the Valkyrie Mathilde)

Uncle Jumbisack (a nickname given to the parafairy vet Lonefellow Pineaway Shyboy by the Leafies)

User (an Egyptian doctor who performed surgery on Feesepkee together with Ptahhotep and Dr. Matasano)

Vagrant (a vagrant AEternus helps have the courage to return to his home)

Valentine (Arley’s younger sister, madly in love with Ibys)

Vertumnus (also known as Vertumnus Viridis and Mr. Green, is the caretaker of AEternus golf club. He resembles but is not a satyr, and is said to have a hundred eyes with which he keeps the golf course free of spies)

Vicious Villains’ Society (a club or syndicate for real and purported evildoers  that has all sorts of bad people for members, where more traditional villains are called by others dorks with a goon complex and more modern members are considered shameless progressives by the conservatives)

Violet Queen (see Nine Queens)

Vinny (Vincentius is a young Leafy who is Arley’s good friend)

Viorel Wadim (a fay Romanian master builder who boasts he was taught the trade by Magister Manole)

Viruta (Dr. Viruta Pocuscocus Meagrebrain, a mad scientist who is wanted by the mortal police)

Wee Elmira Fairies (the Wee Elmirans are fairies who live in the mortal world, where they own and operate a gasoline station and the Patay Gutom Hamburger Joint)

White Cats (Uncle Evenfall collects stray cats, most of which are white and deaf)

Wildgale (Intempestivus Wildgale is one of Titania’s brothers)

Wisteria (a Chinese fairy, expert in Feng Shui, who lives with Grandfather Foo Ling and runs  the Nanay de la Kobai Fruit Shop)

Wolf (see Fenfear)

Wolfie (Mathilde’s father, who lives in Valhalla)

Wooden Men (four automatons that act as lackeys for Beaurenard Leonado Flynn and whose names are Mr. MacBeth, Mr. MacLuis, Mr. MacNuin and Mr. MacFearn)

Woof MacTecla (The Wise sisters’ westie)

Worms of the North, The (a He-worm and several She-worms one of which lays a fabulous  egg of gold  with magical properties)

Ye Fay F.C. (one of the two great football clubs of Fayland, whose  colours are yellow and gold)

Yeiayel (the Angel of Fame, whose statue can be found decorating St. Patrick’s Collegiate Church in Lorca)

Yule de Bug (one of Alpin’s suitresses, a bug exterminator)

Zeferina (Zefi is the Mnemosinite of the Southern Department)

A List of Places where the action takes place or that are mentioned in these tales: There are three worlds in which these tales mostly happen. One is The World of the Spirit. Fairies, ghosts, characters in literature and all sorts of other spirits move quite freely about this world, which is about many smaller worlds, such as the worlds of the fay and the worlds of the dead, heavens and hells also belonging to this world. The Mortal World is the second of the main worlds, and it is where what mortals call reality occurs and though the fay can enter it, they are forewarned and apprised to do so unseen if they must enter. The world of literature and other  arts can work much of its magic in the mortal world. And the third of these main worlds is The Betweenworlds, almost always a borderland, sometimes an overlapping or a clash of the first and second  worlds, where anything can happen, and what can happen is not always bad, but not always good.  

The World of the Spirit holds:

In the World of the Fay:

Apple Island: This island is a paradise for fairies of good will who feel at peace enough to enjoy their existence. In it are the ideal homes of these fairies, all specially built taking into account the needs and desires of their owners. Among these homes are:

The AEternal Mansion,  also called The Divine Mansion, where Arley’s maternal grandparents AEternus and Divina live. The building is more comfortable than spectacular, but its gardens or park are splendorous even for Apple Island. Though along with the splendour there was, for a time, poison in the grass.

Bent Hill or Bent Couple Hill a steep northern hill where the Bent Couple has a lopsided farm.

Castle Attor is the stunning home of Attor Fitz Oberon and Titania and his wife Cathsheba and their children, The Atshebies. On the outside it is regally mediaeval, but inside it lacks no comfort.

Castle Excelsius, also called The Celestial Castle, is the home of Excelsius and Celestial Up North.

Curmudgeon Mansion, is Curmudgeon Finn’s palatial home next to Apple Island’s royal  library.

The Di Limbo Home, also Nimbus House, home of Gelsemine and Knickknack Nimbo di Limbo, was first in the mortal world and later transported to Apple Island. It was protected from pryers by a Don’t Notice Me spell.

Don Alonso’s Stone Cave in Apple Island, a place where he sometimes retires to meditate, was gifted to him by the Nine Queens.

Evenfall Hall, see The Ruins Nearly West.

Gentle Manor is Gentlerain and Mabel’s ideal house and magic garden. This last has four landmarks, one in each of the four directions, beyond which the garden extends into infinity.The house is on a promontory by the sea. It is a very peaceful place but the neighbours are dubious beings who might shatter the peace of Apple Island at any minute. Living next to them is Gentlerain’s way of controlling these people.

Heather's Home, as pretty as she is, has a forestlike garden full of good little animals and where Mr. Binky rests in a glass coffin, though he isn't dead, only sleeping off the Shyboy Oil he accidentally swallowed.

Memory Manor is Belvedere the Mnemosinite’s home.

Michael’s ideal home is a copy of a Tudor home, possibly that belonging to Mary Arden.

Moth’s Moon Palace (Moth’s ideal home in Apple Island)

Murkee Mound is a small mound next to the Pestles’ hut.  A an old murkee named Terence dwells below it.

Pearly Home is Brightfire and Pearl’s pearly home.

The Pestles’ Hut and Herbshop is right next to Gentle Manor. Very old cures and remedies are prescribed and sold there and if one wants something less innocent, it is Chickenbroth that can be spoken with.

Prickly Field is a field full of nettles and thistles where a tribe of Prickly Kids camp, they being conviced that this is the ideal home and way of life. If it weren’t for Evenfall’s unobstrusive aid, these kids, deaf to good advice,  would be worst off than they are, just like the deaf cats Evenfall also looks after. 

The Royal Palace of Apple Island is Titania and Oberon’s magnificent home. As well as the Royal Couple, and those of their children who, whether under seven or over three hundred enjoy living there, its many floors splendidly house the people who work there to make the place beautiful. Thymian and Devin occupy a whole floor each, Arley keeps the rooms that were his when little and Cespuglio lives in the main greenhouse when he isn’t in one or another of the gardens of Apple Island pretending to be a bush.

Richearth Plantation is Demetius Estraricus Richearth’s fantastic plantation. Richi works the myriad unending fields himself, strolling and singing all over them, and growing incredibly healthy and tasty fruit and vegetables,  but when it is harvestime, the representatives of the island´s farmers' markets show up with their teams of pickers and gather  the crops that they will give out for free to anyone who comes for them, since all rawvegetarian  food is free in Apple Island, as is water and are fruit juices, including the juice of the grape, though this last must be consumed with a garland of ivy on one's head. Bread and cakes made with flour from cereals Richi has grown are also given out free of charge, though baked. And one can also eat de la brioche without paying, on the advice of Marie Antoinette, for Richi doesn't want to have his head cut off. One thing Richi doesn't much like to do is prune, and his plantation is sometimes as frondose as any jungle. But people interested in learning gardening from the best often come to his plantation and he allows them to prune the plants there because his neighbours are always warning him that one day a lion or a boa constrictor will spring out of the green and eat him. This is not likely to happen, but Richi lets the volunteers do and rewards them with very special gifts, aside from offering them breakfast, lunch and teatime treats and, if they chose to work by moonlight, dinner and a midnight snack. None of them leave the plantation without having been loaded with magic seeds and rare cuttings.    

The Ruins Nearly West were once Evenfall Hall, the ideal home of Titania’s most eccentric and kind brother. Burnt down accidentally by the young Brightfire, the hall’s ruins are now inhabitted by deaf cats. Passing through a still standing arch, one enters the ghost of this house, which is exactly like the original and in which wistful Uncle Evenfall prefers to dwell rather than rebuild.

Seven Fairies Street is the street in Apple Island where the Seven Fairies live, each in her own distinctive ideal home, save Jocosa. Lucerna's house is distinguished by its beautiful coloured lights, Fronda's is hidden and protected by enormous trees, one cannot pass by Alondrá's house without hearing music from a harp or the chirping of birds, Laetitia's place is a sweet, friendly-looking cottage for she delights in the little things of life, Caléndula lives in a house that looks like a museum of modern art, its gardens spotted with modern sculptures surrounded by beds of marigolds and Nebula's home is cloaked in a nebulosae of fairy dust. The garage of Nebula's house has an apartment over it where Jocosa stays when she comes to visit the island. Though she was never formally expelled from Apple Island, Jocosa had to transfer her own ideal home to another part of the fairy world because the Apple Islanders were tired of her lack of consideration for their feelings and let her know this. 

Thistle's home is very modern and a little zen, specially her garden. She lives right next to her sister Thistle. 

Thymian’s Lair, occupying almost all the fourth basement of Oberon and Titania’s palace, is the closest thing to Thymian’s ideal home. It holds his laboratory and his museum and is all about Egypt.

Wild House, the bleak house with light within of the Wildgale family, is located  in the moors of Apple Island.

Also in Apple Island are:

The Auditorium of Apple Island, which offers wonderful concerts and shows, also holds a theatre for plays that shouldn’t be performed outdoors.

The Bards Club is an Apple Island club for bards and poets, some fay and some dead but all interesting.

Big Fish Disco is the disco of the Apple Island Yacht Club.

Blue Mountain, also known as Sky Blue Mountain or Gentle Mountain, has mines that have been ceded by Gentlerain to the Kobolds.

The Cider Mills of Apple Island are famous for the stupendous apple cider and delicious doughnuts they offer visitors.

Endeavour, a river in Apple Island. It flows mostly along the river Sage. Where they almost converge is Malrose Ait.

The Fairy Rings of Apple Island are four. There is one for each direction, and they are frequented by fairies with different interests. The First Fairy Ring is frequented by artists and intellectuals, the Second Fairy Ring by people who love to dance, the Third Fairy Ring by people who like to work but are on holiday  and is more like a carnaval and has its own circus, the Fourth Fairy Ring is a place for people who seek commitment, as in ever after romance or  marriages of serious convenience. 

The Football Stadiums of Apple Island are two. One was built by Divina for her sons to put a stop to the War of the Garden Gnome or Botolph’s War but ended up being ceded to the Ye Fay F.C. when it failed to achieve this purpose and is this team’s official stadium. The other stadium belongs to the Sidhe Band F.C., the other famous Fay team. 

Golf Courses there are at least two of. Grandfather AEternus owns a club with a spectacular golf course cared for by Mr. Vertumnus Green that has a bar and restaurant ran by two Lares, Rhubarbarum and Marrubium. The Moon Gate Golf Course  is the Memorion’s  golf course and is  right next to Memory Manor.

The Greenhouses of the Nine Queens are where some of the best apples in Apple Island are grown. The ladies that cultivate these apples count with the help of Richearth, who is a much petted honorary member of their horticultural club. Another apple grower, Malrose, is, however,  considered a rival.

Jenny Thrush Farm produces the best raspberries in Apple Island and was kindly ceded by Richearth to his kidnappers Elucubrius and Bunglemore, though he had to buy it secretly back from them because they had no taste for working on it and everyone was missing the raspberries.

Library of Apple Island, more exactly The Royal Library of Patient St. Job in Apple Island, was founded by Sir Job Hobb and its friendly librarían is Mildew Finn. As befits a library, it is full of books, all wondrous. Among its treasures are the ghosts of books from the Library of Alexandria.

Malrose Ait is an island where the rivers Sage and Endeavour meet before again parting and where Titania and Oberon’s seventh son, Malrose, a crab apple sprite, grows fabulous fruit. It is an island within an island.

Midnight Market, also called Moonlight Market  is a market that opens at midnight and closes just before dawn. All sorts of ítems, including magic treasures are bought and sold there, and there are special sales when the moon is full or new.

Moonlight Market (see Midnight Market)

The Museum of Treasures of Apple Island was founded by Caléndula.

Peek Creek is a tiny subterranean creek in the garden of Heather's ideal home. To get to it you have to enter through a minuscule door in a mushroom that grows on the stump of a tree. Water from this creek makes it possible for a true lover to read his true love's mind as clearly as if they were the same person. But love between them has to be mutual for this to happen. 

The Purple Fountain is a fountain of wondrous purple water of mysterious properties owned by AEternus and guarded by Aveline and Olive. A third guard, Laurel, almost always invisible, always accompanies AEternus.

Sage River is a river in Apple Island and flows next to the river Endeavour on most of its way, but there is a spot where these rivers join and in the middle of it is Malrose Ait.

The Short Tower is a very short, pulmp-looking tower on Thirteenth Hill of Malrose Ait. There Betabel was asked to stand for weeks on its roof by the fake aliens, waiting for the world to end.

The Shrine of Betabel or the Betabel Temple is a shrine on the thirteenth hill of Malrose’s ait that  people can visit when they want to meditate, especially on preventing disasters. It also has a fountain from which gushes a very good water, which can be bought at a tiny shop nearby.

The Temple of Mayet, also known as Cute Cat Clubhouse and The Cat’s Meow Club is a place where Bastet’s legions of independent friends  meet. Cathsheba is a member and has made Felina Shyboy one too.

Thirteenth Hill is the last of the thirteen hills in Malrose Island and the sight of the Shrine of Betabel.

Minced Forest: All of this forest, wood of woods, is in the world of the fay, but parts of it are also in the Betweenworlds.

Alpin’s ideal home, a palace that can expand from the size of a dollhouse to become as large as the Monastery of El Escorial, which served as its model, has been deposited in the garden of his parents’ home, where it waits to be carried off to the mortal world that day it is allowed to grow.

The Apotheca of  Henbeddestyr Parry is the best place to go to when you need medical help. Advice and remedies are never charged for there, though everyone insists on eventually paying in fairy favours that Henny rarely needs to ask for.This place is also known as The Musical Apotheca because Henny and his dragon Taffy give free concerts every noon, during their lunchtime, for music is the food of their souls.

Brightfire’s Forge is his  place of work in Dragon Holt.

The Bunker of the Cucullati or Hooded Geniuses in Apple Island is an underground complex, only visible in the world above it as a graffiti covered egg half.

Cathsheba’s Nook is an Egyptian style terracotta house painted haint blue and located in Minced Forest. Cathsheba lived there and roamed the forest in the shape of a black cat. When she had children, the place became their dollhouse.

Chestnut Grove, located in the magical part of Sherbananawood, is an access to mortal Sherbanania.

Cunning Glen is a glen that is part of Minced Forest and is close to Michael O’Toora’s tree house in this forest.

Dragon Holt, a wood where the trees turn into dragons, is looked after by the Brightfires, who frequent it in the guise of Will-o-the-wisps.  In it is Brightfire’s forge.

Eerie Swamp is a highly inaccesible swamp in Minced Forest. Mr. Binky has a secret office there where he keeps top secret archives.

The Eucryphia Grove or Grove of the Well-hidden Flower  in Minced Forest is the site where the Lady Celestial retained and hid her son Oberon’s first love, Little Mathilde.

Gorgonwell, The Well of the Faux Gorgon, right outside Nauta’s villa, but also in Minced Forest, is the meeting place of a group of cats who like to exchange proverbs, says, saws, and such tidits of wisdom in the company of Augustus Caesar. The Faux Gorgonhead is supposed to have drowned in its depths but may still be lurking there.

The Green Rock of Hope is a large, moss-covered rock around which, when little, Arley and his sisters Heather and Thistle played at granting mortal children that passed by it small favors. Following their Uncle Evenfall’s instructions, they also searched the rock’s surroundings for pebblesbright, the bloom on stones.

Owl Wood is a wood within Minced Forest where the trees are full of owls and even look like them.

Owl Wood Manse is an old manse that belonged to the Shyboy family.Tyrone sold it to Oberon but reserved some rights over it and still lives in its basement. And since Oberon doesn’t even remember he bought it, it will probably revert to Ty and his wife Felina and their owls and cats.

Pomsylvania is the small garden or orchard of the puca Garth’s home, and there he kept prisoner the Cyclops Apples.

Predictit Pond and Predictit Well (one has to jump into Predictit Well pond to gains access to Predictit Pond. Fairies visit this pond when they want to learn about the future. One can't see all the future there, but only snatches of it. 

Raghag Mill, or the Mill of the Rag Hag, once haunted by the evil Rag Hag, next handed by Richearth to the Badseeds, who tried to turn it into a Museum and Theatre of Horrors it  was eventually taken over by Feeseepkee, the new miller.

The Spirit-lifting Fountain is a fountain next to Henbeddestyr’s apotheca in Minced Forest. Its waters raise the spirits of depressed, discouraged  or weak spirits and encourage them to get on with whatever they have to do.

Swamp Eerie is a frightful swamp where Mr. Binky keeps a submarine that holds the  more sinister and secret of his two offices.

Teddy Bosk is  an enchanted wood within Minced Forest where the discarded Teddy bears of fay kids who have grown up and forgotten them live together in a bittersweet atmosphere.

Other places in the world of the spirit:

Anthemoessa is the island where the Sirens of Greek myth live.

Blackwood Bog is a Scandinavian swamp whose ruler is the troll Canute, who reigns there with his daughter, Lady Falguniben, his wife having moved back to her native India.

Cyclops’ Head Island is an island close to Africa that is the entrance to the wondrous Land of Prester John. It is only visible to spirits and certain mortals.

Green Dale City, a very fortified town in the mountains, is the home of the Grindlebul Elves.

Grindlebul Mountain Chain is the place where the Grindlebul Elves built their home, Green Dale City.

Honolulu Baby Karaoke and Hawaiian Club is owned by Minafer Ominous and Gemaniah Worrywart.

Ibiza’s Underwater Palace is the home of the mermaid Ibiza and her parents.

The Jealous Merrow is a pub onwed by Lira Anadyomene.

Nanay de la Kobai Fruit Shop, or Oranges From Cathay Fruit Shop is the home of Feng Shui masters Foo Ling and Wisteria.

The Offices of Prime Minister Mungo John Binky: Mr Binky receives the public in his Hilltop Office where he particularly welcomes protesters until he sees there is no way they can be persuaded to think like he does. He also has a secret office where he keeps his archives and lots of confidential information he only confides to himself. This is the almost innaccesible Swamp Eerie Office, which is in Minced Forest.

Prester John’s Kingdom, a most fabulous place visible to the Fay and occasionally to some mortals.

The Poultice was a posh restaurant owned by Santichu Semeurtzi that was forced to fold up when Alpin dropped by.

The Prudent Siblinghood of Preventers Home Site. Only a very few know where this place really is. Or even that it exists.But there are ways to contact the preventers.

The Rivulet of Youth, whose water makes you forever young, runs through a forest in the Land of Prester John.

The Rolling Hills are where many of the Thorn fauns live, including Bronze, Cidra and Eleutherium.

The Sweet Dreamer Café and Bakery belongs to Mari Gozu, also known as Mary Sweet, whose specialty is Scrumptious Cake.

The Sweet Voice of the Siren is  Marina’s School of Song and Voice Culture.

The Triple Throne Room is the throne room of the biblical Magi and there they grant audience.

 Valhalla is the Hall of the Slain in Asgard.Mathilde’s father, Wolfie, dwells there.

Van Winkle’s is a Dutch restaurant in fay New York with a proper Dutch menu for regular clients and a weirder menu for troublesome clients, the Halve Maen Menu, or Half Moon Menu. It is run by Dutch Dwarfs that Richearth likes to go bowling with. 

In the Underworld and close by, places we don’t recommend visiting:

The Acheron is a river that exists in the real world but is famous in Greek mythology because Hades' kingdom begins on one of this river's banks.

The Castle of the Vicious Villains  is the meeting place of an association of all kinds of bad people. They hold their anual assembly there usually just before the Christmas season.

Hater’s Well is a well in Minced Forest with unsafe water used for questionale purposes. It is a portal to hell, through a river beneath it. Those that hate go there to spit in the water, thus summoning unknown and uncontrollable evil spirits they will ask to help them with their plans to destroy those they abhor. When they finally get what they want, these haters’ cups of joy overflow, but only to drown them in their own hatred, and their ghosts head for hell which they enter through the well’s portal.

Hell Hotel is a hotel that is an entrance to occidental hell.

Jigoku is a perfectly horrible Buddhist hell.

The Necromanteion of Acheron at Epirus was a temple and oracle of the ancient world. It held a passageway to Hades. The ghost of this temple was used by Richearth and Beaurenard to reach Hades.

Sirap is a city in Hell that is the infernal counterpart of Paris, France. Bad Americans are said to end up there.

Tansy Mandrakecott’s sinister home is supposed to be the home of this artist but may be a false home created by the devil for his purposes. Feeseepkee was operated on at this place.

Yomi is a Shintoist hell that is not as awful as Jigoku, the Japanese hell that has to do with Buddhism.

In the Mortal World:

The Garbage Dump or The Ravagedland Garbage Dump, or the Rubbishies Dump is  is a dump yard in the mortal world, full of things that were once the property of the Leafies and that the mortals have turned into garbage.Leafies turned Rubbishies live there, distracted from the revenge they are bent on by Rosina Redhood who is trying to use this place in an enviroment friendly way.

Ravagedland was the original name of Sherbanania.

The Sad Sunflower Fields of Sherbanania were planted by Petey Pepperpot to feed his pipnoshers, tended by zombified Sherbananians, burnt down during the Sherbananian War, replanted by Gentlerain and always threatened by Sherbananians who don’t like history.

Sherbananawood is a plantation of banana trees in Sherbanania that has a magical link to a fay chestnut grove that is part of Minced Forest.

Sherbanania or Sherbanana is a nation of mortals. Alpin involves Arley in this country’s political problems. It was originally called Ravagedland.

Snake Island is the deadly, snake-filled Queimada Grande in Brazil. AEternus buys the poisoner gnome Botolph a farm there to get rid of him.

In The Betweenworlds:

Ananas Island, also known as Firefly Island, is a tropical island where Salty Boogerbeard hid his fabulous treasure under an imposing banyan tree infested with fireflies.

Big Onion Fairy Inn is by the Rio Negro, and owned by the temerarious fairy Cebollo.

Bumps’ Island  is a tropical island whose natives once adored the sun and then hated it. They only come out of their lairs at night and lived in almost total darkness. It is the site of a magnificent building that was to be inagurated as a casino by Salty Boogerbeard but was taken over by Fiona upon his demise and it is now a spa and ashram that she runs with the help of Santichu Semeurtzi.

The Celtic Queen’s Seat of Stone is a throne that overlooks the valley of Medeiros and belongs to Lupa, Queen of the Celts.

The Christmas Bazaar is held on St. Lucy’s Eve and organized by Generoso and Dadivosa to raise funds for their needy mortal friends and for unfortunate fairies who live outside opulent Apple Island. It is usually held in a gymnasium that is the property of AEternus and Divina, in the Betweenworlds so all sorts of people can attend.

The Coast of Death is a coastal region in the northeast of the Iberian península. 

The Dullahan Residence is the home of the Dullahan family and its garden is three small steps away from  Minced Forest. In this garden is Alpin’s ideal home.

Easter Island or Rapa Nui is where Betabel took Alpin's colossal ideal home and turned it into a successful hotel for fairies. Alpin was first there in the shape of an oyster but later  was turned into the form of the garbage devouring young man he was for a time under the pookah's spell. Betabel preferred this shape of his to any other, so he conserves it and they live together in their hotel in relative peace.

The Fayolympics, Olympic games for fairies, are held one year at Mount Cronion, another year in Lekeitio, a third year in London and a fourth in Shangri-La. Then back to the start.

Firefly Island, a tropical island frequented by Salty Boogerbeard, also known as Ananas Island. Salty hid his fabulous treasure chest there beneath a banyan infested with fireflies.

Grimy’s is a seedy and dangerous waterfront bar, the very right place to go to if you are looking for trouble.

Katastrophic is a disco where anything can happen.

La Isleña Loca is a disco where great Latino music can be heard.

Magpie’s Nest  is an enormous store that sells all sorts of brand new and second hand ítems including magic treasures. It is not clear if the owner, Magpie Merchant of Mauve Moor,  acquired them honestly.

Melhoun is a fay disco where Rai Blues can be enjoyed.

The Minch is a strait in North-West Scotland where the Blue Men dwell.

The Olive Grove, which is part of the garden of Nauta’s villa and next to which is a well where cats often meet and which came to be known as Gorgonwell.

Oretania was a Roman colony in Spain situated in what is today La Mancha, over which its ghost still hovers. Nauta and his wife and the other members of their household haunt a villa in the ghost of Oretania.

Patay Gutom Burger is a restaurant in Wee Elmira that serves addictive hamburgers made from magic beans spiced with fairy dust. It caters to both fairies and mortals. These last are unaware what they are eating or what kind of people own the restaurant.Fortunately, these burgers are not bad for fairies or mortals if one doesn’t overeat.

Pérez’s Mouseholes are refuges of the toothfairy and banker Pérez the Mouse. He has a few built for him everywhere he goes before he does go there.

Saint Andrew’s at the End of the World is a chuch in Finisterre, Galicia. ´Tis said that if you don’t visit this church while living, you will have to drop by when dead.

Saint Cyprian’s Church in Salamanca, the church of the patron saint of magicians, holds what was once an Art School founded by Hercules and now is a school of magic run by the Devil himself.

Saint  James Catherdral is a wondrous place of pilgrimage, getting to it is a great experience for everyone, including the fay.

Sargassum is a Jamaican themed fay disco, a favorite of the Voodoo crowd.

The Shell Tunnel holds Ephraim of Toledo’s underground halls and a transitable tunnel that goes from Toledo to Finisterre.

The Spa of Bliss  is the Bumps Island Spa and Ashram, owned by Fiona and managed by Santichu Semeurtzi. It  was once to be Salty Boogerbeard’s grand casino.

Villa Servilia is Nauta’s phantom villa in Oretania, named after his wife.It floats close by Minced Forest.

Wee Elmira is a tiny town whose less than a dozen fay inhabitants masquerading as mortals are sworn enemies of Prime Minister Binky. The town consists of three houses, a gasoline station and a famous hamburger joint, the Patay Gutom Burger.

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About Me

My blogs are Michael Toora's Blog (dedicated to my pupils and anyone who wants to learn English and some Spanish), The Rosy Tree Blog (dedicated to RosE), Tales of a Minced Forest (dedicated to fairies and parafairies), Cuentos del Bosque Triturado (same as the former but in Fay Spanish), The Birthdaymython/El Cumplemitón (for the enjoyment of my great nieces and great nephews and of anyone who has a birthday) and Booknosey/Fisgalibros (for and with my once pupils).